الاثنين، 19 نوفمبر 2012

What is Hibernate

Hibernate is one of the good things fr our computer. If we do not want to work with your computer, Then you have need to active this program. It can save the energy. It also saves your all active files or folder before shutting down. The computer starts up more quickly from hibernate mode than when it is shut down and it uses less energy when sleeping. You can active this after follow this conditions.

    At first click on the Start Button.
    Then click on the Turn off button, After click on the turn off button you will get a dialogue box with three option like Stand by, Turn off and Restart.

    Hold down the Shift key on your key board and stand by will switch to Hibernate. Then click on the Hibernate and your system will go into Hibernate mode.
    If you want to deactivate Hibernate simply press the Power Button.
    If your computer fails to come out of Hibernate Press and hold the Power button for five seconds. Press and hold the Power button for five seconds that will shut down Press power again to Start.

But it is Good for Windows XP. If you will use Windows 7 do not try this If you will use this. Your computer

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